study la sygs!ish3..

Saturday, January 8, 2011

hye gurls!hye boys!

here i come...fuh..lame nye xupdate blog ni..lame ke??ade la dlm 4 5 hari kot..keh3...

ok..msti korg kte ak wajin kan if korg bce tajuk entri ni...stdy??well,,mmg i rajin pon..huhu..[perasan tol minah ni]haha..

xtually,xde mende..dr balek kelas ari kamis ari2,smpai ke magrib td..ak dok tgk movie ja..non-stop..i repeat..non-stop ok!haha..perlu ke repeat mende 2?nk taw citer ape ak lyn?ha..ak lyn citer korea la..bantai se-round due..hello!bkn se-round due da ber-round2 da..bhse ape la ak gne bm ke? auw tgk citer playfull kiss 2..gelak2 sorg2..dpt gak release tention n ilangkan rase snyi ni..akibatnye,ak jd lupe lupe diri lew...mkn tidak,mandi tidak..upss!kantoi...keh3..

mane tak nye, sronok beno tgk citer korea 2..dpt gak berangan2 dpt boyfriend ensem..nk yg real,jgn harap la..muke pon kte kalo kite xcntek,nt dpt boyfriend hensem..btol kah?best ni..haha..ok..out of topic..

disebabkan tgk movie ni jgk ..a.k.a movie marathon..lalu ak pun lupe la nk stdy...mmg la xde da azam ak thun ni nk stdy btoi2..i want to capai my target..[hangat2 tahik kucing ja ni]..2 sbb la ak sebenar2nye maleh nk tgk movie..sbb bile ak da start..ak jd addict..lupe sgalenye..ape keje pun xjdi..[nasib baik da bsuh bju]

okeh2..stop melalut..smpai sni dlu la ea..ops!lupe nk ckp..ak nk wat blog baru...keh3..

p/s~da cube care baru tuk lupekan mslh,ilangkan kesunyian dlm hati n ilangkan tention..iaitu the tgk movie 24 hours..cdgn yg baek x??hehe..bui3